Wednesday, September 25, 2013


To: Dr. Preston Parker
From: Anna Black
Date: 9/25/13
RE: Jared Adair Bell, Online Reputation

As per request, I have done online research regarding Jared Adair Bell, a prospective employee. Based on the available information, I have found Mr. Bell to be a respectable candidate for the position.

His LinkedIn profile offered valuable professional information including his work experience with Vivint. He has sales experience and proficiency in both Spanish and English. His skills also include creativity, writing, and technical writing.

He completed a BS degree at Utah Valley University in 2009 and currently attends Utah State University.
Beyond the professional and educational realms, Mr. Bell was equally visible in personal matters online.

From his facebook profile, we can tell that he is a family man. There are multiple photographs of him with members of his family, especially with his nieces and nephews.

He is associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Here is a photo that he took of the San Antonio temple.

Based on what I have been able to find about Jared Bell online, I am impressed with his sales experience and wholesome character. I have not found any information or references that would make me less inclined to hire him.

Anna Black


1 comment:

  1. Nice job finding information. I thought that the information that you found covered a pretty large spectrum. Great job. You covered things with his education, background and interests. You may have been able to say a little more about each of them, but I understand that is completely dependent on how well the search went for you.

    As far as memo format goes, I think that you did a pretty good job. The one thing that I was not sure about was the sentence following the information about his educational history. I was not sure if that was supposed to be a new paragraph or part of the same one. However, that may just be a matter of personal style. Other than that, I thought that it looked great.

    I also liked that you made some assumptions about him. As we discussed, assumptions become reality to those taking in the message, so it was nice to see how you might have viewed this individual as a potential employer.

    Great job!
